
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Disability and Workability with Diabetes Coursework

Disability and Workability with Diabetes - Coursework Example This research appraisal aims to broaden the awareness of the health care providers of the latest status and trends in nursing research and practice, specifically on: (1) identifying the similarities and differences of the qualitative and quantitative research designs, (2) to identify the implications of the three studies in relevance to the nursing practice particularly in the perspective of occupational health nursing, and (3) to gather information on the proper nursing management of clients with diabetes at work, their legal rights as to the limitations set forth on the Disability Discrimination Act of London (1995) in order to make their activities of daily living more meaningful in spite of having diabetes. Appraised for this purpose are the three recent research studies on diabetes conducted by the renowned medical and nursing research teams in the United Kingdom. These are: (1) Disability & Workability: Diabetes – An Occupational Health Nursing Case Study (NHS Education for Scotland, 2004, pp.21-24) – a qualitative research; (2) The Socio-Economic Factors and Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes (Coates, et al., January 2008, pp. 1-113) – a quantitative research; and (3) Effectiveness of Self-Management Intervention in Patients with Screen-Detected Type 2 Diabetes (Thoolen, et al., November 2007, pp. 1-6) – a quantitative research. This case study highlights some of the issues to be considered in the workplace for an employee with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes. It also illustrates the need for collaborative working between the multidisciplinary professionals caring for the employee in the community and occupational health services. The implications of this study for nursing practice, particularly to occupational health nurse, are as follows: Be aware of what illnesses and disabilities are taken into account under the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and ask your client if his or her disability affects the ability to carry out tasks at work.

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