
Friday, August 2, 2019

Physical Education In Secondary Schools :: essays research papers

Physical Education In Secondary Schools My philosophy of physical education in the secondary setting deals with students becoming physically fit. Also that students learn how to communicate with others, especially in a team setting. My philosophy also holds in it different teaching methods. Methods that physical education teachers can use to get the most out of their students. With this philosophy of physical education I plan to use it toward becoming a good teacher. The major reason for having physical education in secondary schools is to lead the students toward a better lifestyles and to be physically fit. There was an article published In 1992 by, The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), stating what "The Physically Fit Person" should consist of. This article states five factors of a physical fit person. One factor is that a physically fit person "has learned skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities". The second factor, "is the person physically fit". The third factor is "does this person participate regularly in physical activity". The fourth is a physically fit person "knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activity". The last factor is that a physically fit person "values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle". The plan as physical educators is to have each child be a physically fit person, by their exit of high school. This will take some work but I believe it could be done. Another very important issue to be learned in secondary physical education is teamwork. This is a very important aspect in everyday life. This helps people think of others as much, or more, than themselves. Today some work places are going to the team oriented style of work. The worker needs to be able to express ideas amongst his/her teammates and come with solutions together. A good activity that could be introduced in secondary physical education programs is a ropes course. Rope courses are great for students to get into the teamwork mentality. This could help students be dependable on each other and trust each other. Education is not only a necessity, but a major part of life. Some children perceive school as a punishment. Including myself, that was the way I felt as a child. But as I grew older I found out that learning can be fun. Some children seem to take education for granted. When I was a school boy, I never realized how much I was learning. The only thing that got me through school was the two days of physical education that I had per week.

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